Monday, November 29, 2010

personal finance

Conduct a Financial Fire Drill to Assess Financial Health

We conduct fire drills to ensure fire warning systems are functional and that building occupants know what to do in the event of a fire-related emergency. Apply that same type of stress test to your money with a financial fire drill.

Photo by Steve Snodgrass.

Finance and frugality blog Frugal Dad urges us to take stock of our financial health by conducting a financial fire drill. Just like a real fire drill helps you run through a dangerous scenario without risk—"Who put the file cabinets in front of the fire exit?"—a financial fire drill shows you how effective your escape routes are and how big your safety net is.

You'll need to gather up all your bills, take stock of your savings and emergency fund, and head over the Frugal Dad to run through their financial fire drill checklist—which includes great tips like making a slash-and-burn list of non-essential services you can cancel the minute you get laid off or in other financial trouble.

While I applaud most efforts to improve kids' financial literacy, I still raise an eyebrow when famous jocks get involved. Such is the case with Super Bowl-winning quarterback Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints.

Brees is teaming with Visa to pump up students' knowledge about handling money. He tours high schools to tell personal

stories, like how his unpaid college cell phone bill jacked up the terms of his first home loan. He also referees a quiz competition called Financial Football, which NFL rookies are also encouraged to play. Every correct answer moves the ball down the field. Teachers and students can download the game for free, and the iPhone has an app for it.

The Visa executive who wrote an article about Brees that appeared on the Huffington Post also directs readers to other virtual money lessons -- the Federal Trade Commission's mall-travel game You Are Here, the Treasury Department's Bad Credit Hotel and Wells Fargo's Hands On Banking.

All good. (And let's not forget WalletPop's recent suggestions for kid finance books.) But I can't help but think that having football players educate the masses in money management is a bit like having arsonists teach fire prevention.

While Brees appears to be a responsible exception, NFL players are notorious for squandering their savings. Seventy-eight percent of NFL players go bankrupt or are in serious financial straits just two years into retirement, according to Sports Illustrated. Sixty percent of NBA veterans meet the same fate five years into their golden umbrella. It seems that champion athletes who have squandered their fortunes could fill a small stadium.

Would you or your child have wanted to hear about money management from the most responsible guy at Lehman Brothers? That's how I liken Brees. He is now the teach-our-children-well face of a billions-earning business that churns out employees who spend as if life were one giant Monopoly board.

Brees also has plenty of wiggle room for mistakes, making $10 million a year. I'm not sure a guy operating in that monetary stratosphere has a lot to tell our children. But because he is Drew Brees, maybe they'll listen.

I've compiled a few other money hints from that kids can learn for themselves just by reading the sports pages.

Don't do drugs: Hall of Fame linebacker Lawrence Taylor lived fast, snorted cocaine hard, and went bankrupt despite making $50 million in his playing career.

Consider family planning: Evander Holyfield, the four-time heavyweight boxing champion, foreclosed on a home and got sued for falling behind in child support payments. I guess $250 million in career earnings just doesn't buy what it used it to. It was reported that part of Holyfield's problems stemmed from having 11 children. Nearly ditto for $20 million football running back Travis Henry, who has nine children by nine different moms. He told the court he couldn't afford child support.

Don't invest in too many depreciating assets: Baseball slugger Jack Clark went deep -- into debt -- after buying 18 cars, including a $717,000 Ferrari. Going going gone were his $20 million Major League wages.

Get trustworthy support: WNBA pioneer Sheryl Swoopes hit nothing but net gain -- $50 million to be exact -- in a Nike-enhanced Hall of Fame career. Until, she said, agents and lawyers bled her into bankruptcy, with $750,000 in debt.

Here's hoping that Brees won't commit glaring money miscues. Nothing looks worse for a credit card company than when its spokesman for fiscal smarts turns into a cautionary tale.

&#39;The Simpsons&#39;: Fox <b>News</b> &#39;Unsuitable For Viewers Under 75&#39; (PHOTO)

"The Simpsons" took a shot at Fox News for the second week in a row. After dubbing its corporate sibling "Not Racist, But #1 With Racists" -- and getting criticized by Bill O'Reilly for doing so -- the Fox cartoon put a new slogan on ...

Kim Kardashian is &#39;dead&#39; in new ad « Entertainment

Kim Kardashian will die on Wednesday. At least that's what her new ad says. The reality.

Kara Dioguardi Without Makeup (&amp; Other <b>News</b>) -

Kara Dioguardi showed up to the opening night of Cinderella at the El Portal Theatre in North Hollywood last night looking almost unrecognizable with hardly any makeup or hair styling. Looks like l...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

foreclosure investing

Yves does a thorough smackdown on the departing Michael Barr’s description of all the things the government is going to get to the bottom of the foreclosure fraud problem, noting that the foreclosure task force simply isn’t investigating the problem in enough detail to understand, much less solve, the problem.

But I wanted to look just at Barr’s language, both in his interview with Felix Salmon and in his presentation to the Financial Stability Oversight Council yesterday. Here are the five things he described as the key focus of the Foreclosure Working Group:

  1. Determining the scope of problems

  2. Holding the banks accountable for fixing these problems

  3. Making sure individuals who have been harmed are given redress and that firms pay penalties where appropriate for their actions

  4. Getting the mortgage servicing industry to do a better job for households in financial difficulty by providing alternatives to foreclosure

  5. Acting in a coordinated and comprehensive way to hold the firms accountable, bring clarity and certainty, and help households

Note, already, the choice of language here. The working group will “hold the banks accountable … for fixing these problems.” The firms will “pay penalties where appropriate for their actions.”

Barr uses the language the federal government has been consistently using since the scope of this problem became widely clear, in which the government envisions “holding banks accountable” by forcing them to operate effectively going forward, while making right the crimes of the past. Nowhere, in his presentation to the FSOC at least, does Barr envision holding the people who committed fraud accountable. In fact, there’s a lovely detail at 7:54 where Barr describes that the process is designed to assess whether affidavits and claims “are accurate.” Now, the government learned sometime since May–six months ago now–that they are not. But they have not yet prosecuted anyone for fraud. Which leads me to believe that when Barr says “assess whether affidavits are accurate,” he means, “assess whether they accurately reflect the state of the loan,” and not whether “the claims made by robo-signers are in fact true.”

And besides, how in hell could the government give those who have been harmed redress if the government is only reviewing a select subset of the loan files? Is the government going to provide everyone who believes they were screwed some legal aid to prove their claim?

Now compare what the soon-to-be-gone Barr told the FSOC in its kabuki public session with what he told Salmon.

The Wall Street Journal real estate blog reports that Federal banking regulators will conduct an examination of MERS, the electronic mortgage and servicing rights data service (hat tip ForeclosureHamlet). As much as scrutiny of MERS is very much in order, it remains an open question as to whether this effort is serious.

One impetus for this review is an article by Chris Peterson, which was very critical of MERS’ inconsistent roles. For instance, the manner in which MERS registers mortgages in local courthouses is problematic:

MERS’s rights vis-à-vis mortgages registered on the MERSCORP database have created a conundrum for courts, borrowers, and foreclosure attorneys. In boilerplate security agreements included in mortgages and deeds of trust around the country, lenders include this clause:

“MERS” is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MERS is a separate corporation that is acting solely as nominee for Lender and Lender’s successors and assigns. MERS is the mortgagee under this Security Instrument….

On the one hand, MERS purports to be acting as a nominee—a form of an agent. On the other hand, it also is claiming to be an actual mortgagee, which is to say an owner of the real property right to foreclose upon the security interest. It is axiomatic that a company cannot be both an agent and a principal with respect to the same right.19 In litigation all across the country, attorneys representing MERS frequently take inconsistent positions on the legal status of the company, depending on the legal issue at hand.

Both the MERS-as-an-agent and the MERS-as-an-actual mortgagee theories have significant legal problems. If MERS is merely an agent of the actual lender, it is extremely unclear that it has the authority to list itself as a mortgagee or deed of trust beneficiary under state land title recording acts. These statutes do not have provisions authorizing financial institutions to use the name of a shell company, nominee, or some other form of an agent instead of the actual owner of the interest in the land. After all the point of these statutes is to provide a transparent, reliable, record of actual—as opposed to nominal—land ownership.

Conversely, if MERS is actually a mortgagee, then while it may have authority to record mortgages in its own name, both MERS and financial institutions investing in MERS-recorded mortgages run afoul of longstanding precedent on the inseparability of promissory notes and mortgages. Since the 19th century a long and still vital line of cases has held that mortgages and deeds of trust may not be separated from the promissory notes that create the underlying obligation triggering foreclosure rights.2

As troubling is MERS’ lax corporate governance. The parent, MERSCORP, has under 50 employees; the subsidiary MERS, which is the database, has no employees. It instead relies on the peculiar procedure of having employees of MERS members (typically, bank servicing units and foreclosure mills) temporarily become MERS officers for the sole purpose of taking action in MERS’ name:

As a practical matter, the incoherence of MERS’ legal position is exacerbated by a corporate structure that is so unorthodox as to arguably be considered fraudulent. Because MERSCORP is a company of relatively modest size, it does not have the personnel to deal with legal problems created by its purported ownership of millions of home mortgages. To accommodate the massive amount of paperwork and litigation involved with its business model, MERSCORP simply farms out the MERS, Inc. identity to employees of mortgage servicers, originators, debt collectors, and foreclosure law firms.22 Instead, MERS invites financial companies to enter names of their own employees into a MERS webpage which then automatically regurgitates boilerplate “corporate resolutions” that purport to name the employees of other companies as “certifying officers” of MERS.23 These certifying officers also take job titles from MERS stylizing themselves as either assistant secretaries or vice presidents of the MERS, rather than the company that actually employs them. These employees of the servicers, debt collectors, and law firms sign documents pretending to be vice presidents or assistant secretaries of MERS, Inc. even though neither MERSCORP, Inc. nor MERS, Inc. pays any compensation or provides benefits to them. Astonishingly, MERS “vice presidents” are simply paralegals, customer service representatives, and foreclosure attorneys employed by other companies. MERS even sells its corporate seal to non-employees on its internet web page for $25.00 each.24 Ironically, MERS, Inc.—a company that pretends to own 60% of the nation’s residential mortgages—does not have any of its own employees but still purports to have “thousands” of assistant secretaries and vice presidents.

To be more precise, in Senate testimony earlier this week, MERS president R.K. Arnold said MERS has over 20,000 certifying officers.

To give you an idea of how little control MERS has over the activities of its supposed officers, consider this discussion from a November 11, 2009 deposition of MERSCORP’s William Hultman by Nick Wooten (see page 148):

Q. Is there anyone at MERS who verifies that the acts being undertaken in the name of MERS by its certifying officers are acts which are authorized by this corporate resolution?

A. There’s no one at MERS other than the officers who generally oversee the activities of the certifying officers. However, there are employees of the parent corporation MERSCORP that regularly audit the activities of our members to ensure that they are complying with our rules and procedures in our agreement with them.

Q. Who are those employees?

A. They are the people who work in the law department and the people who work in the products performance division — department.

Q. How many of those people are they?

A. I think there is, there are seven in the law department, and product performance department’s probably, and that — I don’t know off the top of my head because I haven’t looked at the org chart lately, but there’s probably seven or eight or nine people there.

Q. Well, let’s just go with the highest number. Seven in law and nine in product performance. So 16 people out of 47?

A. Give or take, yeah.

Q. And you say those 16 people are involved in auditing the thousands of transactions executed daily by the thousands of certifying officers of MERS?

A. I didn’t say that….

Q. Okay. How much time in a typical day do those 16 people spend auditing the activities of certifying officers?

A. I have no idea.

Q. You are in charge of the law department, aren’t you?

A. No.

Q. You are in charge of what department?

A. I’m in charge of the corporate group or the corporate division.

Q. Does that include the law department?

A. It does.

Q. Who’s in charge of the law department?

A. Sharon Horstkamp.

Q. Does Sharon Horstkamp report to you?

A. She does.

Q. Okay. Do you receive reports on the frequency of audits undertaken by her department?

A. I do not….

Q. Right. And so again my question is there are 16 people designated to look at that issue, and you have thousands of certifying officers; correct?

A. Are you asking me if I have thousands of certifying officers?

Q. Yes.

A. Yes.

Q. You have 16 people who look at their compliance with this resolution?

A. Generally, yes.

Q. And do you have any idea daily how many transactions are taken in the name of MERS by these thousands of corporate certifying officers?

A. Generally, no.

Q. Okay. Is there any way that MERS is able to track every transaction conducted in the name of MERS by a certifying officer?

A. Only to the extent that it’s reported to us either systematically or it’s reported to a certifying officer within the organi- — the servicing organization.

Q. So I mean I guess again my point is there are thousands of transactions on a daily basis that MERS has no record of; right?

A. I don’t know that there are thousands of transactions being taken daily by the certifying officers.

Q. Well, let’s just talk about this affidavit we were discussing with respect to the Harmon Law Offices. Do you have any records in MERS system of the number of affidavits of nonmilitary status executed on a daily basis?

A. In which systems are we speaking?

Q. In MERS system.

A. In the MERS, the computer automated systems?

Q. In any method of storage, retrieval, archiving that is available to you and that you use, do you have any record of the number of affidavits of nonmilitary status executed by a certifying officer on a daily basis in this country?

A. Only to the extent that that information has been reported to another certifying officer of the servicer.

Q. Okay. And how would you obtain that information?

A. I would call the servicer up.

Q. Okay. So that is not a MERS record?

A. Well, to the extent that it’s in the custody of the MERS certifying officer we would consider that a MERS record.

Q. Outside of the servicer’s own system — well, first of all, let me ask it this way. Is the servicer required to report these activities to you on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?

A. Which services?

Q. Affidavits of nonmilitary status.

A. They are not required to report that to us.

Q. Do they report that to you?

A. They do not.

Q. Okay. And on your own systems do you have any records of the number of affidavits of nonmilitary status that are executed on a daily basis?

A. If you’re talking about the MERS system, no.

Q. Okay. What about any other system owned or operated by MERS?

A. Generally, no.

Q. Okay. What about assignments of mortgage or deeds

of trust?

A. What about them?

Q. Do you have any idea how many of those are done on a daily basis by MERS certifying officers?

A. I do not.

Q. Do you have access to that through the MERS system or any other system maintained, owned, controlled and operated by MERS?

A. Only to the extent that we ask the servicer they provide that information to us.

Q. So they do not put that information on the MERS system as a matter of course?

A. Put what stuff on?

Q. I’m sorry. Let me try to ask a better question. Assignments of a mortgage or a deed of trust are not generally reported to MERS on a daily basis, are they?

A. Correct.

Q. And MERS has no records of its own about how many mortgage assignments or assignments of deeds of trust are undertaken in its name on a daily basis, does it?

A. Only to the extent that that information is not in the hands of the MERS certifying officer for a particular servicer.

Q. If you wanted to stop this deposition and go call someone at MERS and say how many assignments have been done in our name today of a mortgage or deed of trust, you could not get that information that simply, could you?

A. I could get the information, but it might take some time.

Q. So there’s nothing in your system that catalogs how frequently that occurs?

A. There’s nothing in the MERS system or the automated systems that we operate for our members that has that information readily available.

Q. And you rely on the servicers to keep any records of that if any records are kept?

A. Yes.

Q. How about foreclosure deeds? Do you have any record of how many foreclosure deeds are executed in the name of MERS on a daily basis in this country by certifying officers?

A. No….

Q. — I mean do you have any idea how many endorsements are done in the name of MERS?

A. No, I do not.

Q. Do you have any idea how many proofs of claim are filed in the name of MERS on a daily basis?

A. I do not.

It gets even better. Between this deposition, and an earlier one of MERSCORP president R.K. Arnold by Nick Wooten, one get a more complete picture of how lax MERS’ operational controls are. MERS does keep a record of who its certifying officers are, but it has not record of what actions any particular certifying officer has taken. This would seem to be a fatal shortcoming in conducting any kind of audit. Arnold maintained that MERSCORP did various quality reviews, but was unable to say what they consisted of or even who on his team was responsible for them.

Both depositions make clear that the integrity system rest entirely on timely and accurate entries by MERS members. Since MERSCORP lacks access to any of the underlying records, it is impossible for it to vet accuracy even if it wanted to absent extensive cooperation with the servicer and document custodian.

For those of you who have the patience, below are the depositions.

September 25. 2009 Deposition of R.K. Arnold, MERSCORP

November 11. 2009 Deposition of William Hultman, MERSCORP

bench craft company scam

Web type <b>news</b>: iPhone and iPad now support TrueType font embedding <b>...</b>

This is also exciting news, as TrueType fonts are superior to SVG fonts in two very important ways: the files sizes are dramatically smaller (an especially important factor on mobile devices), and the rendering quality is much higher. ...

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...

Last Look: Style <b>News</b> You Might Have Missed (PHOTOS, POLL)

Welcome to Last Look, where we round up the Style scraps that didn't make it to our news page this week. Click through and catch up on what else happened since Monday!

bench craft company scam

Web type <b>news</b>: iPhone and iPad now support TrueType font embedding <b>...</b>

This is also exciting news, as TrueType fonts are superior to SVG fonts in two very important ways: the files sizes are dramatically smaller (an especially important factor on mobile devices), and the rendering quality is much higher. ...

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...

Last Look: Style <b>News</b> You Might Have Missed (PHOTOS, POLL)

Welcome to Last Look, where we round up the Style scraps that didn't make it to our news page this week. Click through and catch up on what else happened since Monday!

bench craft company scam

Yves does a thorough smackdown on the departing Michael Barr’s description of all the things the government is going to get to the bottom of the foreclosure fraud problem, noting that the foreclosure task force simply isn’t investigating the problem in enough detail to understand, much less solve, the problem.

But I wanted to look just at Barr’s language, both in his interview with Felix Salmon and in his presentation to the Financial Stability Oversight Council yesterday. Here are the five things he described as the key focus of the Foreclosure Working Group:

  1. Determining the scope of problems

  2. Holding the banks accountable for fixing these problems

  3. Making sure individuals who have been harmed are given redress and that firms pay penalties where appropriate for their actions

  4. Getting the mortgage servicing industry to do a better job for households in financial difficulty by providing alternatives to foreclosure

  5. Acting in a coordinated and comprehensive way to hold the firms accountable, bring clarity and certainty, and help households

Note, already, the choice of language here. The working group will “hold the banks accountable … for fixing these problems.” The firms will “pay penalties where appropriate for their actions.”

Barr uses the language the federal government has been consistently using since the scope of this problem became widely clear, in which the government envisions “holding banks accountable” by forcing them to operate effectively going forward, while making right the crimes of the past. Nowhere, in his presentation to the FSOC at least, does Barr envision holding the people who committed fraud accountable. In fact, there’s a lovely detail at 7:54 where Barr describes that the process is designed to assess whether affidavits and claims “are accurate.” Now, the government learned sometime since May–six months ago now–that they are not. But they have not yet prosecuted anyone for fraud. Which leads me to believe that when Barr says “assess whether affidavits are accurate,” he means, “assess whether they accurately reflect the state of the loan,” and not whether “the claims made by robo-signers are in fact true.”

And besides, how in hell could the government give those who have been harmed redress if the government is only reviewing a select subset of the loan files? Is the government going to provide everyone who believes they were screwed some legal aid to prove their claim?

Now compare what the soon-to-be-gone Barr told the FSOC in its kabuki public session with what he told Salmon.

The Wall Street Journal real estate blog reports that Federal banking regulators will conduct an examination of MERS, the electronic mortgage and servicing rights data service (hat tip ForeclosureHamlet). As much as scrutiny of MERS is very much in order, it remains an open question as to whether this effort is serious.

One impetus for this review is an article by Chris Peterson, which was very critical of MERS’ inconsistent roles. For instance, the manner in which MERS registers mortgages in local courthouses is problematic:

MERS’s rights vis-à-vis mortgages registered on the MERSCORP database have created a conundrum for courts, borrowers, and foreclosure attorneys. In boilerplate security agreements included in mortgages and deeds of trust around the country, lenders include this clause:

“MERS” is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MERS is a separate corporation that is acting solely as nominee for Lender and Lender’s successors and assigns. MERS is the mortgagee under this Security Instrument….

On the one hand, MERS purports to be acting as a nominee—a form of an agent. On the other hand, it also is claiming to be an actual mortgagee, which is to say an owner of the real property right to foreclose upon the security interest. It is axiomatic that a company cannot be both an agent and a principal with respect to the same right.19 In litigation all across the country, attorneys representing MERS frequently take inconsistent positions on the legal status of the company, depending on the legal issue at hand.

Both the MERS-as-an-agent and the MERS-as-an-actual mortgagee theories have significant legal problems. If MERS is merely an agent of the actual lender, it is extremely unclear that it has the authority to list itself as a mortgagee or deed of trust beneficiary under state land title recording acts. These statutes do not have provisions authorizing financial institutions to use the name of a shell company, nominee, or some other form of an agent instead of the actual owner of the interest in the land. After all the point of these statutes is to provide a transparent, reliable, record of actual—as opposed to nominal—land ownership.

Conversely, if MERS is actually a mortgagee, then while it may have authority to record mortgages in its own name, both MERS and financial institutions investing in MERS-recorded mortgages run afoul of longstanding precedent on the inseparability of promissory notes and mortgages. Since the 19th century a long and still vital line of cases has held that mortgages and deeds of trust may not be separated from the promissory notes that create the underlying obligation triggering foreclosure rights.2

As troubling is MERS’ lax corporate governance. The parent, MERSCORP, has under 50 employees; the subsidiary MERS, which is the database, has no employees. It instead relies on the peculiar procedure of having employees of MERS members (typically, bank servicing units and foreclosure mills) temporarily become MERS officers for the sole purpose of taking action in MERS’ name:

As a practical matter, the incoherence of MERS’ legal position is exacerbated by a corporate structure that is so unorthodox as to arguably be considered fraudulent. Because MERSCORP is a company of relatively modest size, it does not have the personnel to deal with legal problems created by its purported ownership of millions of home mortgages. To accommodate the massive amount of paperwork and litigation involved with its business model, MERSCORP simply farms out the MERS, Inc. identity to employees of mortgage servicers, originators, debt collectors, and foreclosure law firms.22 Instead, MERS invites financial companies to enter names of their own employees into a MERS webpage which then automatically regurgitates boilerplate “corporate resolutions” that purport to name the employees of other companies as “certifying officers” of MERS.23 These certifying officers also take job titles from MERS stylizing themselves as either assistant secretaries or vice presidents of the MERS, rather than the company that actually employs them. These employees of the servicers, debt collectors, and law firms sign documents pretending to be vice presidents or assistant secretaries of MERS, Inc. even though neither MERSCORP, Inc. nor MERS, Inc. pays any compensation or provides benefits to them. Astonishingly, MERS “vice presidents” are simply paralegals, customer service representatives, and foreclosure attorneys employed by other companies. MERS even sells its corporate seal to non-employees on its internet web page for $25.00 each.24 Ironically, MERS, Inc.—a company that pretends to own 60% of the nation’s residential mortgages—does not have any of its own employees but still purports to have “thousands” of assistant secretaries and vice presidents.

To be more precise, in Senate testimony earlier this week, MERS president R.K. Arnold said MERS has over 20,000 certifying officers.

To give you an idea of how little control MERS has over the activities of its supposed officers, consider this discussion from a November 11, 2009 deposition of MERSCORP’s William Hultman by Nick Wooten (see page 148):

Q. Is there anyone at MERS who verifies that the acts being undertaken in the name of MERS by its certifying officers are acts which are authorized by this corporate resolution?

A. There’s no one at MERS other than the officers who generally oversee the activities of the certifying officers. However, there are employees of the parent corporation MERSCORP that regularly audit the activities of our members to ensure that they are complying with our rules and procedures in our agreement with them.

Q. Who are those employees?

A. They are the people who work in the law department and the people who work in the products performance division — department.

Q. How many of those people are they?

A. I think there is, there are seven in the law department, and product performance department’s probably, and that — I don’t know off the top of my head because I haven’t looked at the org chart lately, but there’s probably seven or eight or nine people there.

Q. Well, let’s just go with the highest number. Seven in law and nine in product performance. So 16 people out of 47?

A. Give or take, yeah.

Q. And you say those 16 people are involved in auditing the thousands of transactions executed daily by the thousands of certifying officers of MERS?

A. I didn’t say that….

Q. Okay. How much time in a typical day do those 16 people spend auditing the activities of certifying officers?

A. I have no idea.

Q. You are in charge of the law department, aren’t you?

A. No.

Q. You are in charge of what department?

A. I’m in charge of the corporate group or the corporate division.

Q. Does that include the law department?

A. It does.

Q. Who’s in charge of the law department?

A. Sharon Horstkamp.

Q. Does Sharon Horstkamp report to you?

A. She does.

Q. Okay. Do you receive reports on the frequency of audits undertaken by her department?

A. I do not….

Q. Right. And so again my question is there are 16 people designated to look at that issue, and you have thousands of certifying officers; correct?

A. Are you asking me if I have thousands of certifying officers?

Q. Yes.

A. Yes.

Q. You have 16 people who look at their compliance with this resolution?

A. Generally, yes.

Q. And do you have any idea daily how many transactions are taken in the name of MERS by these thousands of corporate certifying officers?

A. Generally, no.

Q. Okay. Is there any way that MERS is able to track every transaction conducted in the name of MERS by a certifying officer?

A. Only to the extent that it’s reported to us either systematically or it’s reported to a certifying officer within the organi- — the servicing organization.

Q. So I mean I guess again my point is there are thousands of transactions on a daily basis that MERS has no record of; right?

A. I don’t know that there are thousands of transactions being taken daily by the certifying officers.

Q. Well, let’s just talk about this affidavit we were discussing with respect to the Harmon Law Offices. Do you have any records in MERS system of the number of affidavits of nonmilitary status executed on a daily basis?

A. In which systems are we speaking?

Q. In MERS system.

A. In the MERS, the computer automated systems?

Q. In any method of storage, retrieval, archiving that is available to you and that you use, do you have any record of the number of affidavits of nonmilitary status executed by a certifying officer on a daily basis in this country?

A. Only to the extent that that information has been reported to another certifying officer of the servicer.

Q. Okay. And how would you obtain that information?

A. I would call the servicer up.

Q. Okay. So that is not a MERS record?

A. Well, to the extent that it’s in the custody of the MERS certifying officer we would consider that a MERS record.

Q. Outside of the servicer’s own system — well, first of all, let me ask it this way. Is the servicer required to report these activities to you on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?

A. Which services?

Q. Affidavits of nonmilitary status.

A. They are not required to report that to us.

Q. Do they report that to you?

A. They do not.

Q. Okay. And on your own systems do you have any records of the number of affidavits of nonmilitary status that are executed on a daily basis?

A. If you’re talking about the MERS system, no.

Q. Okay. What about any other system owned or operated by MERS?

A. Generally, no.

Q. Okay. What about assignments of mortgage or deeds

of trust?

A. What about them?

Q. Do you have any idea how many of those are done on a daily basis by MERS certifying officers?

A. I do not.

Q. Do you have access to that through the MERS system or any other system maintained, owned, controlled and operated by MERS?

A. Only to the extent that we ask the servicer they provide that information to us.

Q. So they do not put that information on the MERS system as a matter of course?

A. Put what stuff on?

Q. I’m sorry. Let me try to ask a better question. Assignments of a mortgage or a deed of trust are not generally reported to MERS on a daily basis, are they?

A. Correct.

Q. And MERS has no records of its own about how many mortgage assignments or assignments of deeds of trust are undertaken in its name on a daily basis, does it?

A. Only to the extent that that information is not in the hands of the MERS certifying officer for a particular servicer.

Q. If you wanted to stop this deposition and go call someone at MERS and say how many assignments have been done in our name today of a mortgage or deed of trust, you could not get that information that simply, could you?

A. I could get the information, but it might take some time.

Q. So there’s nothing in your system that catalogs how frequently that occurs?

A. There’s nothing in the MERS system or the automated systems that we operate for our members that has that information readily available.

Q. And you rely on the servicers to keep any records of that if any records are kept?

A. Yes.

Q. How about foreclosure deeds? Do you have any record of how many foreclosure deeds are executed in the name of MERS on a daily basis in this country by certifying officers?

A. No….

Q. — I mean do you have any idea how many endorsements are done in the name of MERS?

A. No, I do not.

Q. Do you have any idea how many proofs of claim are filed in the name of MERS on a daily basis?

A. I do not.

It gets even better. Between this deposition, and an earlier one of MERSCORP president R.K. Arnold by Nick Wooten, one get a more complete picture of how lax MERS’ operational controls are. MERS does keep a record of who its certifying officers are, but it has not record of what actions any particular certifying officer has taken. This would seem to be a fatal shortcoming in conducting any kind of audit. Arnold maintained that MERSCORP did various quality reviews, but was unable to say what they consisted of or even who on his team was responsible for them.

Both depositions make clear that the integrity system rest entirely on timely and accurate entries by MERS members. Since MERSCORP lacks access to any of the underlying records, it is impossible for it to vet accuracy even if it wanted to absent extensive cooperation with the servicer and document custodian.

For those of you who have the patience, below are the depositions.

September 25. 2009 Deposition of R.K. Arnold, MERSCORP

November 11. 2009 Deposition of William Hultman, MERSCORP

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Web type <b>news</b>: iPhone and iPad now support TrueType font embedding <b>...</b>

This is also exciting news, as TrueType fonts are superior to SVG fonts in two very important ways: the files sizes are dramatically smaller (an especially important factor on mobile devices), and the rendering quality is much higher. ...

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...

Last Look: Style <b>News</b> You Might Have Missed (PHOTOS, POLL)

Welcome to Last Look, where we round up the Style scraps that didn't make it to our news page this week. Click through and catch up on what else happened since Monday!

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Web type <b>news</b>: iPhone and iPad now support TrueType font embedding <b>...</b>

This is also exciting news, as TrueType fonts are superior to SVG fonts in two very important ways: the files sizes are dramatically smaller (an especially important factor on mobile devices), and the rendering quality is much higher. ...

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...

Last Look: Style <b>News</b> You Might Have Missed (PHOTOS, POLL)

Welcome to Last Look, where we round up the Style scraps that didn't make it to our news page this week. Click through and catch up on what else happened since Monday!

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Making Money Online Scams

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imelite IM ELITE Reviews Reviewed SCAM membership alex shelton george brown facebook bonus review launch internet marketing make money online business strategy my by IM Elite Review

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Lions vs. Cowboys: Good <b>News</b> On The Injury Front; Dez Bryant Is <b>...</b>

The Dallas Cowboys get some veterans back in practice, and Dez Bryant is a violent man.

The Tools of Ignorance: Friday <b>News</b> - Pinstripe Alley

A big offer, the big man's snub, a little trade, and a call for a dose of sanity.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

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imelite IM ELITE Reviews Reviewed SCAM membership alex shelton george brown facebook bonus review launch internet marketing make money online business strategy my by IM Elite Review

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Lions vs. Cowboys: Good <b>News</b> On The Injury Front; Dez Bryant Is <b>...</b>

The Dallas Cowboys get some veterans back in practice, and Dez Bryant is a violent man.

The Tools of Ignorance: Friday <b>News</b> - Pinstripe Alley

A big offer, the big man's snub, a little trade, and a call for a dose of sanity.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

bench craft company rip off

Lions vs. Cowboys: Good <b>News</b> On The Injury Front; Dez Bryant Is <b>...</b>

The Dallas Cowboys get some veterans back in practice, and Dez Bryant is a violent man.

The Tools of Ignorance: Friday <b>News</b> - Pinstripe Alley

A big offer, the big man's snub, a little trade, and a call for a dose of sanity.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

bench craft company rip off

Lions vs. Cowboys: Good <b>News</b> On The Injury Front; Dez Bryant Is <b>...</b>

The Dallas Cowboys get some veterans back in practice, and Dez Bryant is a violent man.

The Tools of Ignorance: Friday <b>News</b> - Pinstripe Alley

A big offer, the big man's snub, a little trade, and a call for a dose of sanity.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

bench craft company rip off

Lions vs. Cowboys: Good <b>News</b> On The Injury Front; Dez Bryant Is <b>...</b>

The Dallas Cowboys get some veterans back in practice, and Dez Bryant is a violent man.

The Tools of Ignorance: Friday <b>News</b> - Pinstripe Alley

A big offer, the big man's snub, a little trade, and a call for a dose of sanity.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

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imelite IM ELITE Reviews Reviewed SCAM membership alex shelton george brown facebook bonus review launch internet marketing make money online business strategy my by IM Elite Review

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

Lions vs. Cowboys: Good <b>News</b> On The Injury Front; Dez Bryant Is <b>...</b>

The Dallas Cowboys get some veterans back in practice, and Dez Bryant is a violent man.

The Tools of Ignorance: Friday <b>News</b> - Pinstripe Alley

A big offer, the big man's snub, a little trade, and a call for a dose of sanity.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

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bench craft company rip off

Lions vs. Cowboys: Good <b>News</b> On The Injury Front; Dez Bryant Is <b>...</b>

The Dallas Cowboys get some veterans back in practice, and Dez Bryant is a violent man.

The Tools of Ignorance: Friday <b>News</b> - Pinstripe Alley

A big offer, the big man's snub, a little trade, and a call for a dose of sanity.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

bench craft company rip off

Lions vs. Cowboys: Good <b>News</b> On The Injury Front; Dez Bryant Is <b>...</b>

The Dallas Cowboys get some veterans back in practice, and Dez Bryant is a violent man.

The Tools of Ignorance: Friday <b>News</b> - Pinstripe Alley

A big offer, the big man's snub, a little trade, and a call for a dose of sanity.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

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Taiwanese <b>News</b> Channel Animates Royal Engagement! |

Royal Wedding Fever has hit Taiwan! Check out their animated (because we wouldn´t want it any other way!) interpretation of Prince William´s engagement to Kate Middleton (above)! Sooo...

Fox <b>News</b> Commentators Caught On Camera Mocking Sarah Palin&#39;s Show <b>...</b>

WASHINGTON -- The Fox News channel has been something of a safe haven for Sarah Palin, the type of outlet that provided the former Alaska Governor not only with a friendly audience but similarly kind questions.

Lions vs. Cowboys: Good <b>News</b> On The Injury Front; Dez Bryant Is <b>...</b>

The Dallas Cowboys get some veterans back in practice, and Dez Bryant is a violent man.

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Movie <b>News</b> Quick Hits: Leonardo DiCaprio to Star in New JFK <b>...</b>

Do you find Wall-E and Eve so adorable you just want to eat them? Now you can thanks to Charm City Cakes. - Warner Bros.

<b>News</b> Corp developing a tablet-exclusive publication

News Corp Logo Reuters is reporting that News Corp, the world's third-largest media conglomerate, has confirmed they will be releasing a news publication developed specifically for tablet computers like the iPad. "It's a tablet-only ...

GT5 installs while played - Sony PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of GT5 installs while played - Sony.

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Movie <b>News</b> Quick Hits: Leonardo DiCaprio to Star in New JFK <b>...</b>

Do you find Wall-E and Eve so adorable you just want to eat them? Now you can thanks to Charm City Cakes. - Warner Bros.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

Middle East violence increases « Liveshots

Another cycle of violence in the Middle East as Israel strikes targets in Gaza in retaliation.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

internet marketing

eric seiger

HSMAI Revenue Management &amp; Internet Marketing Strategy Conference by hsmai

eric seiger

Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2 PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Roger Ailes Apologizes for Calling NPR Execs Nazis <b>...</b>

Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News, publicly apologized on Thursday for comparing NPR executives to Nazis.

Ominous Colts Injury <b>News</b> From Phil Wilson UPDATE Collie Cleared <b>...</b>

Phil Wilson Tweets some ominous news on the injury front for the Colts.

eric seiger

HSMAI Revenue Management &amp; Internet Marketing Strategy Conference by hsmai

eric seiger

Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2 PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Roger Ailes Apologizes for Calling NPR Execs Nazis <b>...</b>

Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News, publicly apologized on Thursday for comparing NPR executives to Nazis.

Ominous Colts Injury <b>News</b> From Phil Wilson UPDATE Collie Cleared <b>...</b>

Phil Wilson Tweets some ominous news on the injury front for the Colts.

eric seiger

Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2 PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Roger Ailes Apologizes for Calling NPR Execs Nazis <b>...</b>

Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News, publicly apologized on Thursday for comparing NPR executives to Nazis.

Ominous Colts Injury <b>News</b> From Phil Wilson UPDATE Collie Cleared <b>...</b>

Phil Wilson Tweets some ominous news on the injury front for the Colts.

eric seiger

Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2 PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Roger Ailes Apologizes for Calling NPR Execs Nazis <b>...</b>

Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News, publicly apologized on Thursday for comparing NPR executives to Nazis.

Ominous Colts Injury <b>News</b> From Phil Wilson UPDATE Collie Cleared <b>...</b>

Phil Wilson Tweets some ominous news on the injury front for the Colts.

eric seiger
eric seiger

HSMAI Revenue Management &amp; Internet Marketing Strategy Conference by hsmai

eric seiger
eric seiger

Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2 PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of Good Old Games to sell The Witcher 2.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Roger Ailes Apologizes for Calling NPR Execs Nazis <b>...</b>

Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News, publicly apologized on Thursday for comparing NPR executives to Nazis.

Ominous Colts Injury <b>News</b> From Phil Wilson UPDATE Collie Cleared <b>...</b>

Phil Wilson Tweets some ominous news on the injury front for the Colts.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

budgeting personal finances

Conduct a Financial Fire Drill to Assess Financial Health

We conduct fire drills to ensure fire warning systems are functional and that building occupants know what to do in the event of a fire-related emergency. Apply that same type of stress test to your money with a financial fire drill.

Photo by Steve Snodgrass.

Finance and frugality blog Frugal Dad urges us to take stock of our financial health by conducting a financial fire drill. Just like a real fire drill helps you run through a dangerous scenario without risk—"Who put the file cabinets in front of the fire exit?"—a financial fire drill shows you how effective your escape routes are and how big your safety net is.

You'll need to gather up all your bills, take stock of your savings and emergency fund, and head over the Frugal Dad to run through their financial fire drill checklist—which includes great tips like making a slash-and-burn list of non-essential services you can cancel the minute you get laid off or in other financial trouble.

Conduct a Financial Fire Drill to Assess Financial Health

We conduct fire drills to ensure fire warning systems are functional and that building occupants know what to do in the event of a fire-related emergency. Apply that same type of stress test to your money with a financial fire drill.

Photo by Steve Snodgrass.

Finance and frugality blog Frugal Dad urges us to take stock of our financial health by conducting a financial fire drill. Just like a real fire drill helps you run through a dangerous scenario without risk—"Who put the file cabinets in front of the fire exit?"—a financial fire drill shows you how effective your escape routes are and how big your safety net is.

You'll need to gather up all your bills, take stock of your savings and emergency fund, and head over the Frugal Dad to run through their financial fire drill checklist—which includes great tips like making a slash-and-burn list of non-essential services you can cancel the minute you get laid off or in other financial trouble.

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Video: Is Cable <b>News</b> Actually <b>News</b>? -

Video: Pondering the value and integrity of cable news.

<b>News</b> Corp. iPad Venture Fishing In Wrong Pond | paidContent

Another day, another hire at News Corp.'s super-duper secret iPad venture dubbed The Daily—and another reason to question whether this is going to be yet another wobbly Rupert Murdoch digital-news enterprise. ...

360-exclusive Fallout: NV DLC revealed Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of 360-exclusive Fallout: NV DLC revealed.

Pantsuit conversion 1 -- Pragmata by Harper Ganesvoort

Video: Is Cable <b>News</b> Actually <b>News</b>? -

Video: Pondering the value and integrity of cable news.

<b>News</b> Corp. iPad Venture Fishing In Wrong Pond | paidContent

Another day, another hire at News Corp.'s super-duper secret iPad venture dubbed The Daily—and another reason to question whether this is going to be yet another wobbly Rupert Murdoch digital-news enterprise. ...

360-exclusive Fallout: NV DLC revealed Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of 360-exclusive Fallout: NV DLC revealed.

alpine payment systems scam

Video: Is Cable <b>News</b> Actually <b>News</b>? -

Video: Pondering the value and integrity of cable news.

<b>News</b> Corp. iPad Venture Fishing In Wrong Pond | paidContent

Another day, another hire at News Corp.'s super-duper secret iPad venture dubbed The Daily—and another reason to question whether this is going to be yet another wobbly Rupert Murdoch digital-news enterprise. ...

360-exclusive Fallout: NV DLC revealed Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of 360-exclusive Fallout: NV DLC revealed.

Ways of Making Money

I think we can agree that the pursuit of money won’t make you happier. However, in my experience, if it’s spent the right way, money can help you enhance the things in life that do make you happy. Here are five things I’ve spent money on that could help raise your happiness index.

Saving Time

One of my favorite things about our modern economy is how specialization means you can find an expert to help you out with almost any problem you run into. As you can probably tell from my Angie's List review, I’m a big fan of the service and have used it to hire contractors for many big jobs around the house.

If you can pay someone to do a job in a few hours that would have taken you most of the weekend, that’s money well spent in my book. Of course, you have to balance the costs against the time saved and what you do with your re-claimed time.

In my case, I’m not particularly great with home improvement or maintenance work, so the time and money I save by hiring an expert more than pays for the expert's fee. I typically spend my re-claimed time hanging out with my kids, then working on my online business once they’re in bed. To me, that’s a better life investment.

Saving Money

If you can spend money in order to save money within a reasonable payback time, then you’ll come out ahead.

So how can saving money make you happier in life? One good example is refinancing your mortgage. You’ll have to pay hundreds or even thousands in fees and closing costs, but refinancing can free up tens of thousands of dollars that would have been spent in mortgage interest over the next 15-30 years. The money you save in interest can be used to go on vacation, help send your kids to college, retire early, or spent on whatever you’re passionate about in life.

Making Money

I’ve spent a lot of money over the years learning how to improve my investments, career, and business.

On the low end of the price spectrum, you can pick up a lot of great actionable information simply from reading books. If you’re willing to spend a little more, you can buy courses or tools to help you learn or give you an edge. On the high end, you can get personalized assistance by hiring a coach or going back to school.

If you can learn to make money more effectively and/or more efficiently, then you can reduce the number of total hours you spend focused on money and use that time doing other things you enjoy.

Providing Protection

I definitely don’t enjoy paying for insurance, but having coverage to protect my family against the financial challenges of catastrophic events can certainly help me sleep better at night. I’m not using that as a figure of speech either. I’ve experienced first-hand how the strain of worrying can have an impact on your health, your relationships, and your ability to sleep.

There are, unfortunately, plenty of opportunities to spend more than you really need to on insurance, so shop carefully. Having at least a minimal level of coverage to guard against the worst case can give you the security you need not to worry.

We see you out there — the future musicians of the world, pouring coffee, mixing drinks, designing websites for shifty moving companies, all the while dreaming of making it big: signing to a label, cutting a record, reaping the benefits that only a throng of gaping groupies can herald.

While not all of you will make the proverbial “Big Time” — we can’t all be Lady Gaga, nor should we strive to be — that doesn’t mean that you can’t reap some monetary benefits for your musical labor.

Jeff Price, founder of TuneCore, recently wrote on the company blog: “More musicians are making money off their music now at any point in history… Technology has made it possible for any artist to get distribution, to get discovered, to pursue his/her dreams with no company or person out there making the editorial decision that they are not allowed ‘in.’”

We would tend to agree (with the caveat that such openness has also led to a more crowded music scene, with more bands fighting for the public’s attention — but that’s a post for another day).

If you want to start seeing some payback for all your hard work, you don’t have to wait around for a label exec to catch your jazz flute set at the local coffee shop and catapult you to stardom. There are a ton of services out there that can help you make some cash, while also gaining exposure and experience.

Mashable spoke with folks from a quartet of such services in order to help you, the artist, devote more time to your lute than those lattes.

Note that none of the below are get-rich-quick schemes, so it might be wise to hang onto your day job — even if it is designing graphic tees for tiny dogs.

Go Into Show Business

Service: Jingle Punks

We know, we know, the moment a song makes it into the commercial, it’s an immediate sign that a band has “sold out.” But, c’mon, guys — do you really want your favorite drummer/banjo player/keytarist working in a taco trunk in order to survive? Yeah, thin may be in when it comes to the indie scene, but musicians need to eat, after all.

That’s why services like Jingle Punks can really be a boon to bands. Jingle Punks — which is basically the Pandora of music licensing services — focuses on providing filmmakers, TV networks, media companies and ad companies with music from up-and-coming bands. Band and Punks split the earnings 50/50.

“We work in a very smart but unsexy part of the music business,” says co-founder Jared Gutstadt. “Most artists tend to spend their time focusing on the old standards of how to ‘make it.’ They’re still thinking about record deals, pub deals, merch, touring. To really stand out and compete with this type of competition you need to be thinking about launching a music career in a much more unique way.”

Why Use This Service?

According to Gutstadt, “Music in film and television is a great way for artists to get the word out there. More importantly, you can generate money to help fund the growth of a band’s musical endeavors.”

In addition, the service makes use of the democratic nature of the web to get your music into the right hands. “In the past, the way people used to pitch music for media placements is that they would mail CDs off to as many music supes or producers they could,” Gutstadt says. “We have removed the giant pile of CDs on peoples’ desks and aggregated them into a user-friendly database organized in a dynamic way.”

What’s the ROI?

According to Gutstadt, money made runs the gamut. “It can be anywhere from $250 for a web placement all the way up to $30,000 for getting music in a commercial or motion picture,” he says. “, you make money over time through royalties paid out by BMI and ASCAP, who are able to track usage. I always tell artists its not a get-rich-quick scheme as much as it is a way to make some money over time off your hard work.”  

So Who has Succeeded?

“We work with an artist named Mike Del Rio (see above) and his music was used in a rebranding effort by the History Channel.  The channel has really embraced Mike and Jingle Punks and has a couple things in the pipeline that could do great things to really help launch Mike Del Rio’s career on a more mainstream level.  

“We also work with a really great band called I Love Monsters, and their music was placed in the season premiere of Entourage. This type of exposure can be great for an up-and-coming band.”


Service: Indaba Music

We’ve seen instances of bands forming partnerships through Twitter and the like, but wouldn’t it be easier for y’all to have everything in one place?

I mean, it’s enough of a hassle to get all your gear into a single taxi (can’t afford two) before a gig, why add 50 social media tools into the mix? That’s where services like Indaba Music — which is like the LinkedIn of music — come in.

Indaba is a platform — boasting more than 500,000 musicians — that provides musically inclined folks with a place to build a profile, promote their tunes and collaborate with other musicians from around the world.

Why Use This Service?

According to co-founder Dan Zaccagnino, “There are many ways for musicians to make money using Indaba Music. The core of the platform is about collaboration, which can be just for fun, but can also generate income for musicians through work-for-hire sessions (where a musician is paid for his/her tracks) or collaborations where songwriters share in the ownership of the song.”

In addition, Indaba features a ton of contests that “give both amateur and professional musicians a chance to collaborate with world-famous artists and in the process win cash or possibly participate in future royalties if the winners’ material is released,” Zaccagnino says.

What’s the ROI?

“There are incredible opportunities to gain experience on Indaba because the community is full of everyone from amateurs eager to learn, to music educators, to Grammy Award winners,” Zaccagnino says.

“Members learn from one another through contacting and communicating with people online, having music peer reviewed in sessions and contests, learning from master-artists through our Artist-in-Residence programs, taking online video lessons, and much more.

“Education is a big priority for us and it’s been amazing to see that organically happen because musicians are interested in helping one another.”

So Who has Succeeded?

Zaccagnino cites the following examples:

Linkin Park + NoBrain (see above)

Indaba member NoBrain’s mix was included on Linkin Park’s album A Thousand Suns and got the opportunity to collaborate directly with Linkin Park front man, Mike Shinoda, through Indaba Music.

Rivers Cuomo Producer Sessions

Rivers Cuomo of Weezer started a few sessions on and began working with members to produce rough demos that he had written with his wife.  Rivers used Indaba’s session platform to work collaboratively, utilizing the commenting system to engage musicians and achieve exactly what he envisioned.  The producers were also paid for their work.

David Minnick/PBS The Music Instinct

PBS ran a contest to source music for an upcoming show about music and the brain. It found the winner, David Minnick, to be so talented that it hired him to arrange music for another show.

Toshi Osawa and Pikes Peak Ringers – Yo-Yo Ma Collaboration Winners

Yo-Yo Ma was so impressed by the quality of musical collaborations that he picked two winners, an 18-piece hand bell choir from Denver and a speed-Metal guitarist from Canada. Yo-Yo invited them into the studio to record with him in a truly unique collaboration — both tracks were later released as bonus tracks to Yo-Yo Ma’s holiday album, Songs of Joy & Peace.

Partner Up

Service: YouTube’s Musicians Wanted Program

At last year’s SXSW, YouTube launched a partner program for up-and-coming musicians, and, just recently, the program went from U.S.-only to international.

If you have a YouTube channel, and you’re pumping out the music vids like an A-V nerd on a sugar high, you should apply for this program post haste. Basically, it allows you to make some extra cash by adding ads to your videos and garners you more exposure from YouTube with prime placement.

Why Use This Service?

It’s all about getting your name out there, and getting your music heard, right? So go where the people are. Every day, YouTube racks up more than 2 billion video views. That’s a lot of eyes. Still, every minute, the site sees 24 hours of video uploaded, which means your genius work could get lost in the shuffle. That’s why the partner program is a must — you get the YouTube stamp of approval, which brings more attention to your work.

What’s the ROI?

YouTube couldn’t tell us how much money you can earn from the program, but they did tell us that artists get the majority share of the revenue — not to mention access to those millions of viewers. You need to be consistent with your channel, though, and really focus on putting out lots of original content. So if you’re only down to make one vid, this might not be the option for you. In order to see ROI, you have to put in the time and effort.

So Who has Succeeded?

YouTube has helped launch the careers of score of performers — from Justin Bieber to Pomplamoose./> Kina Grannis is one such artist. “I joined YouTube three years ago when I was in a contest called Doritos Crash The Super Bowl,” Grannis told us. “I needed to get people to vote for me every day in order to get my music video played during the Super Bowl (which it did, woo!), so the hope was that by agreeing to post a new video every day, people, in exchange, would come back and vote daily. This run of putting up a video every day lasted about two months in total, and while it made me crazy and sleep deprived, it was also fun and exciting and very helpful in growing my viewers.

“Post with consistency if possible,” Grannis advises artists. “Be genuine, talk to your supporters, be grateful.”

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

Service: BitTorrent Featured Artist Program

OK, we know what you’re thinking — you hear the word “BitTorrent” and you’re about ready to rage, am I right? File sharing is the monster under the bed for many an artist. It connotes theft, basically. Still, the model — when used correctly — can really be a boon to lesser-known artists.

We spoke to Trent Reznor — who is well-known for having released his music via torrent sites in the past — who told us: “I felt furious when the record I’d worked on for a year, that my heart and soul’s gone into, . I’m pissed off at people that are listening to it. I’m mad that they’re snubbing me — by what? By being excited about hearing my music? And that’s wrong. I shouldn’t be mad at these people. I should be glad that people are interested.”

“Easy for you to say, Trent Reznor,” you might scoff, “You’re already famous.” Well — there’s the rub, right? You’re not famous. And you want to be. Or, at the very least, you want someone other than your roommate to come to your gig — and perhaps buy a T-shirt or two. And how do you do that? By getting the attention of the masses, of course.

Last month, BitTorrent launched a Featured Artist pilot program in an effort to give musicians more exposure. Some likened such an endeavor to getting in bed with the devil, but when you really think about it, what’s the difference between applying for the program and putting your music on MySpace or SoundCloud or any other music-sharing site? Well, that would be BitTorrent’s 80 million users.

We’re not saying that file sharing is totally copacetic or anything (there are a lot of pirates in them waters), but it’s not like BitTorrent is out to ruin your career, either. “In many ways, Trent Reznor’s work inspired a lot of our work,” says CEO Eric Klinker. “We really do want to riff on a lot of what he’s done. He’s in an experimentation phase, as are we.”

Why Use This Service?

“The Featured Artists pilot program encourages musicians and filmmakers to submit creative works for the chance to be spotlighted to millions of BitTorrent users around the world,” Klinker says. “For a lot of artists it is about creating a sustainable business model that will allow them to continue their creative works. So, we are interested in working with artists to experiment with various business models that play to the strengths of the Internet while allowing them to tune into the distribution potential of BitTorrent to reach millions of consumers.”

What’s the ROI?

“In today’s digital age, the traditional model does not serve artists in the same way it used to, and instead forces them all down the same funnel where only a select few ultimately receive distribution,” Klinker says. “With BitTorrent’s Featured Artist Pilot Program, artists can tap into online communities and reach millions of people who might otherwise be inaccessible. These communities are powerful and provide intrinsic value for emerging artists trying to build a fan base. In doing so, these are fans that will invariably attend shows, purchase merchandise and become invested in future works.”/>  /> So Who has Succeeded?

Since the service just launched last month, there aren’t any featured artists yet, but the site has seen some success with the musician PAZ (see above), who has been working with BitTorrent.

“Most recently, in August 2010, BitTorrent released PAZ’s debut mix tape, Young Broke and Fameless,” Klinker says. “On the first day alone the release saw over 100,000 downloads, and as a result has increased his fan base and following.”

More Social Music Resources from Mashable:

- Top 10 Twitter Tips for Bands, By Bands/> - 5 Great Ways to Find Music That Suits Your Mood/> - 5 Free Ways to Identify that Song Stuck in Your Head/> - HOW TO: Turn Your Android Phone Into a Killer MP3 Player/> - 10 Amazing Musical Instrument iPhone Apps

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, shulz

For more Entertainment coverage:

    class="f-el">class="cov-twit">Follow Mashable Entertainmentclass="s-el">class="cov-rss">Subscribe to the Entertainment channelclass="f-el">class="cov-fb">Become a Fan on Facebookclass="s-el">class="cov-apple">Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

benchcraft company scam

Great Dolly <b>News</b>! |

Yes! We´re totes excited for this! Dolly Parton made the official announcement on her website today that she is planning not only a brand new album full of brand new music, but a worldwide...

New Yorker&#39;s Music Critic Moves to <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s Daily -

Sasha Frere-Jones, a music critic at The New Yorker, will become the culture editor of The Daily, News Corporation's so-called iPad newspaper which is currently in development.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Design challenge: River of <b>News</b> in HTML

The design challenge is this. GIven the latest HTML techniques, do a mockup of a great River of News. If it's really something new, I'll put the software behind it and make it live. Permanent link to this item in the archive. ...

bench craft company scam

I think we can agree that the pursuit of money won’t make you happier. However, in my experience, if it’s spent the right way, money can help you enhance the things in life that do make you happy. Here are five things I’ve spent money on that could help raise your happiness index.

Saving Time

One of my favorite things about our modern economy is how specialization means you can find an expert to help you out with almost any problem you run into. As you can probably tell from my Angie's List review, I’m a big fan of the service and have used it to hire contractors for many big jobs around the house.

If you can pay someone to do a job in a few hours that would have taken you most of the weekend, that’s money well spent in my book. Of course, you have to balance the costs against the time saved and what you do with your re-claimed time.

In my case, I’m not particularly great with home improvement or maintenance work, so the time and money I save by hiring an expert more than pays for the expert's fee. I typically spend my re-claimed time hanging out with my kids, then working on my online business once they’re in bed. To me, that’s a better life investment.

Saving Money

If you can spend money in order to save money within a reasonable payback time, then you’ll come out ahead.

So how can saving money make you happier in life? One good example is refinancing your mortgage. You’ll have to pay hundreds or even thousands in fees and closing costs, but refinancing can free up tens of thousands of dollars that would have been spent in mortgage interest over the next 15-30 years. The money you save in interest can be used to go on vacation, help send your kids to college, retire early, or spent on whatever you’re passionate about in life.

Making Money

I’ve spent a lot of money over the years learning how to improve my investments, career, and business.

On the low end of the price spectrum, you can pick up a lot of great actionable information simply from reading books. If you’re willing to spend a little more, you can buy courses or tools to help you learn or give you an edge. On the high end, you can get personalized assistance by hiring a coach or going back to school.

If you can learn to make money more effectively and/or more efficiently, then you can reduce the number of total hours you spend focused on money and use that time doing other things you enjoy.

Providing Protection

I definitely don’t enjoy paying for insurance, but having coverage to protect my family against the financial challenges of catastrophic events can certainly help me sleep better at night. I’m not using that as a figure of speech either. I’ve experienced first-hand how the strain of worrying can have an impact on your health, your relationships, and your ability to sleep.

There are, unfortunately, plenty of opportunities to spend more than you really need to on insurance, so shop carefully. Having at least a minimal level of coverage to guard against the worst case can give you the security you need not to worry.

We see you out there — the future musicians of the world, pouring coffee, mixing drinks, designing websites for shifty moving companies, all the while dreaming of making it big: signing to a label, cutting a record, reaping the benefits that only a throng of gaping groupies can herald.

While not all of you will make the proverbial “Big Time” — we can’t all be Lady Gaga, nor should we strive to be — that doesn’t mean that you can’t reap some monetary benefits for your musical labor.

Jeff Price, founder of TuneCore, recently wrote on the company blog: “More musicians are making money off their music now at any point in history… Technology has made it possible for any artist to get distribution, to get discovered, to pursue his/her dreams with no company or person out there making the editorial decision that they are not allowed ‘in.’”

We would tend to agree (with the caveat that such openness has also led to a more crowded music scene, with more bands fighting for the public’s attention — but that’s a post for another day).

If you want to start seeing some payback for all your hard work, you don’t have to wait around for a label exec to catch your jazz flute set at the local coffee shop and catapult you to stardom. There are a ton of services out there that can help you make some cash, while also gaining exposure and experience.

Mashable spoke with folks from a quartet of such services in order to help you, the artist, devote more time to your lute than those lattes.

Note that none of the below are get-rich-quick schemes, so it might be wise to hang onto your day job — even if it is designing graphic tees for tiny dogs.

Go Into Show Business

Service: Jingle Punks

We know, we know, the moment a song makes it into the commercial, it’s an immediate sign that a band has “sold out.” But, c’mon, guys — do you really want your favorite drummer/banjo player/keytarist working in a taco trunk in order to survive? Yeah, thin may be in when it comes to the indie scene, but musicians need to eat, after all.

That’s why services like Jingle Punks can really be a boon to bands. Jingle Punks — which is basically the Pandora of music licensing services — focuses on providing filmmakers, TV networks, media companies and ad companies with music from up-and-coming bands. Band and Punks split the earnings 50/50.

“We work in a very smart but unsexy part of the music business,” says co-founder Jared Gutstadt. “Most artists tend to spend their time focusing on the old standards of how to ‘make it.’ They’re still thinking about record deals, pub deals, merch, touring. To really stand out and compete with this type of competition you need to be thinking about launching a music career in a much more unique way.”

Why Use This Service?

According to Gutstadt, “Music in film and television is a great way for artists to get the word out there. More importantly, you can generate money to help fund the growth of a band’s musical endeavors.”

In addition, the service makes use of the democratic nature of the web to get your music into the right hands. “In the past, the way people used to pitch music for media placements is that they would mail CDs off to as many music supes or producers they could,” Gutstadt says. “We have removed the giant pile of CDs on peoples’ desks and aggregated them into a user-friendly database organized in a dynamic way.”

What’s the ROI?

According to Gutstadt, money made runs the gamut. “It can be anywhere from $250 for a web placement all the way up to $30,000 for getting music in a commercial or motion picture,” he says. “, you make money over time through royalties paid out by BMI and ASCAP, who are able to track usage. I always tell artists its not a get-rich-quick scheme as much as it is a way to make some money over time off your hard work.”  

So Who has Succeeded?

“We work with an artist named Mike Del Rio (see above) and his music was used in a rebranding effort by the History Channel.  The channel has really embraced Mike and Jingle Punks and has a couple things in the pipeline that could do great things to really help launch Mike Del Rio’s career on a more mainstream level.  

“We also work with a really great band called I Love Monsters, and their music was placed in the season premiere of Entourage. This type of exposure can be great for an up-and-coming band.”


Service: Indaba Music

We’ve seen instances of bands forming partnerships through Twitter and the like, but wouldn’t it be easier for y’all to have everything in one place?

I mean, it’s enough of a hassle to get all your gear into a single taxi (can’t afford two) before a gig, why add 50 social media tools into the mix? That’s where services like Indaba Music — which is like the LinkedIn of music — come in.

Indaba is a platform — boasting more than 500,000 musicians — that provides musically inclined folks with a place to build a profile, promote their tunes and collaborate with other musicians from around the world.

Why Use This Service?

According to co-founder Dan Zaccagnino, “There are many ways for musicians to make money using Indaba Music. The core of the platform is about collaboration, which can be just for fun, but can also generate income for musicians through work-for-hire sessions (where a musician is paid for his/her tracks) or collaborations where songwriters share in the ownership of the song.”

In addition, Indaba features a ton of contests that “give both amateur and professional musicians a chance to collaborate with world-famous artists and in the process win cash or possibly participate in future royalties if the winners’ material is released,” Zaccagnino says.

What’s the ROI?

“There are incredible opportunities to gain experience on Indaba because the community is full of everyone from amateurs eager to learn, to music educators, to Grammy Award winners,” Zaccagnino says.

“Members learn from one another through contacting and communicating with people online, having music peer reviewed in sessions and contests, learning from master-artists through our Artist-in-Residence programs, taking online video lessons, and much more.

“Education is a big priority for us and it’s been amazing to see that organically happen because musicians are interested in helping one another.”

So Who has Succeeded?

Zaccagnino cites the following examples:

Linkin Park + NoBrain (see above)

Indaba member NoBrain’s mix was included on Linkin Park’s album A Thousand Suns and got the opportunity to collaborate directly with Linkin Park front man, Mike Shinoda, through Indaba Music.

Rivers Cuomo Producer Sessions

Rivers Cuomo of Weezer started a few sessions on and began working with members to produce rough demos that he had written with his wife.  Rivers used Indaba’s session platform to work collaboratively, utilizing the commenting system to engage musicians and achieve exactly what he envisioned.  The producers were also paid for their work.

David Minnick/PBS The Music Instinct

PBS ran a contest to source music for an upcoming show about music and the brain. It found the winner, David Minnick, to be so talented that it hired him to arrange music for another show.

Toshi Osawa and Pikes Peak Ringers – Yo-Yo Ma Collaboration Winners

Yo-Yo Ma was so impressed by the quality of musical collaborations that he picked two winners, an 18-piece hand bell choir from Denver and a speed-Metal guitarist from Canada. Yo-Yo invited them into the studio to record with him in a truly unique collaboration — both tracks were later released as bonus tracks to Yo-Yo Ma’s holiday album, Songs of Joy & Peace.

Partner Up

Service: YouTube’s Musicians Wanted Program

At last year’s SXSW, YouTube launched a partner program for up-and-coming musicians, and, just recently, the program went from U.S.-only to international.

If you have a YouTube channel, and you’re pumping out the music vids like an A-V nerd on a sugar high, you should apply for this program post haste. Basically, it allows you to make some extra cash by adding ads to your videos and garners you more exposure from YouTube with prime placement.

Why Use This Service?

It’s all about getting your name out there, and getting your music heard, right? So go where the people are. Every day, YouTube racks up more than 2 billion video views. That’s a lot of eyes. Still, every minute, the site sees 24 hours of video uploaded, which means your genius work could get lost in the shuffle. That’s why the partner program is a must — you get the YouTube stamp of approval, which brings more attention to your work.

What’s the ROI?

YouTube couldn’t tell us how much money you can earn from the program, but they did tell us that artists get the majority share of the revenue — not to mention access to those millions of viewers. You need to be consistent with your channel, though, and really focus on putting out lots of original content. So if you’re only down to make one vid, this might not be the option for you. In order to see ROI, you have to put in the time and effort.

So Who has Succeeded?

YouTube has helped launch the careers of score of performers — from Justin Bieber to Pomplamoose./> Kina Grannis is one such artist. “I joined YouTube three years ago when I was in a contest called Doritos Crash The Super Bowl,” Grannis told us. “I needed to get people to vote for me every day in order to get my music video played during the Super Bowl (which it did, woo!), so the hope was that by agreeing to post a new video every day, people, in exchange, would come back and vote daily. This run of putting up a video every day lasted about two months in total, and while it made me crazy and sleep deprived, it was also fun and exciting and very helpful in growing my viewers.

“Post with consistency if possible,” Grannis advises artists. “Be genuine, talk to your supporters, be grateful.”

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

Service: BitTorrent Featured Artist Program

OK, we know what you’re thinking — you hear the word “BitTorrent” and you’re about ready to rage, am I right? File sharing is the monster under the bed for many an artist. It connotes theft, basically. Still, the model — when used correctly — can really be a boon to lesser-known artists.

We spoke to Trent Reznor — who is well-known for having released his music via torrent sites in the past — who told us: “I felt furious when the record I’d worked on for a year, that my heart and soul’s gone into, . I’m pissed off at people that are listening to it. I’m mad that they’re snubbing me — by what? By being excited about hearing my music? And that’s wrong. I shouldn’t be mad at these people. I should be glad that people are interested.”

“Easy for you to say, Trent Reznor,” you might scoff, “You’re already famous.” Well — there’s the rub, right? You’re not famous. And you want to be. Or, at the very least, you want someone other than your roommate to come to your gig — and perhaps buy a T-shirt or two. And how do you do that? By getting the attention of the masses, of course.

Last month, BitTorrent launched a Featured Artist pilot program in an effort to give musicians more exposure. Some likened such an endeavor to getting in bed with the devil, but when you really think about it, what’s the difference between applying for the program and putting your music on MySpace or SoundCloud or any other music-sharing site? Well, that would be BitTorrent’s 80 million users.

We’re not saying that file sharing is totally copacetic or anything (there are a lot of pirates in them waters), but it’s not like BitTorrent is out to ruin your career, either. “In many ways, Trent Reznor’s work inspired a lot of our work,” says CEO Eric Klinker. “We really do want to riff on a lot of what he’s done. He’s in an experimentation phase, as are we.”

Why Use This Service?

“The Featured Artists pilot program encourages musicians and filmmakers to submit creative works for the chance to be spotlighted to millions of BitTorrent users around the world,” Klinker says. “For a lot of artists it is about creating a sustainable business model that will allow them to continue their creative works. So, we are interested in working with artists to experiment with various business models that play to the strengths of the Internet while allowing them to tune into the distribution potential of BitTorrent to reach millions of consumers.”

What’s the ROI?

“In today’s digital age, the traditional model does not serve artists in the same way it used to, and instead forces them all down the same funnel where only a select few ultimately receive distribution,” Klinker says. “With BitTorrent’s Featured Artist Pilot Program, artists can tap into online communities and reach millions of people who might otherwise be inaccessible. These communities are powerful and provide intrinsic value for emerging artists trying to build a fan base. In doing so, these are fans that will invariably attend shows, purchase merchandise and become invested in future works.”/>  /> So Who has Succeeded?

Since the service just launched last month, there aren’t any featured artists yet, but the site has seen some success with the musician PAZ (see above), who has been working with BitTorrent.

“Most recently, in August 2010, BitTorrent released PAZ’s debut mix tape, Young Broke and Fameless,” Klinker says. “On the first day alone the release saw over 100,000 downloads, and as a result has increased his fan base and following.”

More Social Music Resources from Mashable:

- Top 10 Twitter Tips for Bands, By Bands/> - 5 Great Ways to Find Music That Suits Your Mood/> - 5 Free Ways to Identify that Song Stuck in Your Head/> - HOW TO: Turn Your Android Phone Into a Killer MP3 Player/> - 10 Amazing Musical Instrument iPhone Apps

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, shulz

For more Entertainment coverage:

    class="f-el">class="cov-twit">Follow Mashable Entertainmentclass="s-el">class="cov-rss">Subscribe to the Entertainment channelclass="f-el">class="cov-fb">Become a Fan on Facebookclass="s-el">class="cov-apple">Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

bench craft company scam

Great Dolly <b>News</b>! |

Yes! We´re totes excited for this! Dolly Parton made the official announcement on her website today that she is planning not only a brand new album full of brand new music, but a worldwide...

New Yorker&#39;s Music Critic Moves to <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s Daily -

Sasha Frere-Jones, a music critic at The New Yorker, will become the culture editor of The Daily, News Corporation's so-called iPad newspaper which is currently in development.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Design challenge: River of <b>News</b> in HTML

The design challenge is this. GIven the latest HTML techniques, do a mockup of a great River of News. If it's really something new, I'll put the software behind it and make it live. Permanent link to this item in the archive. ...

benchcraft company scam

bench craft company scam

Tagged by Carmy Mirabeau

bench craft company scam

Great Dolly <b>News</b>! |

Yes! We´re totes excited for this! Dolly Parton made the official announcement on her website today that she is planning not only a brand new album full of brand new music, but a worldwide...

New Yorker&#39;s Music Critic Moves to <b>News</b> Corp.&#39;s Daily -

Sasha Frere-Jones, a music critic at The New Yorker, will become the culture editor of The Daily, News Corporation's so-called iPad newspaper which is currently in development.

Scripting <b>News</b>: Design challenge: River of <b>News</b> in HTML

The design challenge is this. GIven the latest HTML techniques, do a mockup of a great River of News. If it's really something new, I'll put the software behind it and make it live. Permanent link to this item in the archive. ...

bench craft company scam

I think we can agree that the pursuit of money won’t make you happier. However, in my experience, if it’s spent the right way, money can help you enhance the things in life that do make you happy. Here are five things I’ve spent money on that could help raise your happiness index.

Saving Time

One of my favorite things about our modern economy is how specialization means you can find an expert to help you out with almost any problem you run into. As you can probably tell from my Angie's List review, I’m a big fan of the service and have used it to hire contractors for many big jobs around the house.

If you can pay someone to do a job in a few hours that would have taken you most of the weekend, that’s money well spent in my book. Of course, you have to balance the costs against the time saved and what you do with your re-claimed time.

In my case, I’m not particularly great with home improvement or maintenance work, so the time and money I save by hiring an expert more than pays for the expert's fee. I typically spend my re-claimed time hanging out with my kids, then working on my online business once they’re in bed. To me, that’s a better life investment.

Saving Money

If you can spend money in order to save money within a reasonable payback time, then you’ll come out ahead.

So how can saving money make you happier in life? One good example is refinancing your mortgage. You’ll have to pay hundreds or even thousands in fees and closing costs, but refinancing can free up tens of thousands of dollars that would have been spent in mortgage interest over the next 15-30 years. The money you save in interest can be used to go on vacation, help send your kids to college, retire early, or spent on whatever you’re passionate about in life.

Making Money

I’ve spent a lot of money over the years learning how to improve my investments, career, and business.

On the low end of the price spectrum, you can pick up a lot of great actionable information simply from reading books. If you’re willing to spend a little more, you can buy courses or tools to help you learn or give you an edge. On the high end, you can get personalized assistance by hiring a coach or going back to school.

If you can learn to make money more effectively and/or more efficiently, then you can reduce the number of total hours you spend focused on money and use that time doing other things you enjoy.

Providing Protection

I definitely don’t enjoy paying for insurance, but having coverage to protect my family against the financial challenges of catastrophic events can certainly help me sleep better at night. I’m not using that as a figure of speech either. I’ve experienced first-hand how the strain of worrying can have an impact on your health, your relationships, and your ability to sleep.

There are, unfortunately, plenty of opportunities to spend more than you really need to on insurance, so shop carefully. Having at least a minimal level of coverage to guard against the worst case can give you the security you need not to worry.

We see you out there — the future musicians of the world, pouring coffee, mixing drinks, designing websites for shifty moving companies, all the while dreaming of making it big: signing to a label, cutting a record, reaping the benefits that only a throng of gaping groupies can herald.

While not all of you will make the proverbial “Big Time” — we can’t all be Lady Gaga, nor should we strive to be — that doesn’t mean that you can’t reap some monetary benefits for your musical labor.

Jeff Price, founder of TuneCore, recently wrote on the company blog: “More musicians are making money off their music now at any point in history… Technology has made it possible for any artist to get distribution, to get discovered, to pursue his/her dreams with no company or person out there making the editorial decision that they are not allowed ‘in.’”

We would tend to agree (with the caveat that such openness has also led to a more crowded music scene, with more bands fighting for the public’s attention — but that’s a post for another day).

If you want to start seeing some payback for all your hard work, you don’t have to wait around for a label exec to catch your jazz flute set at the local coffee shop and catapult you to stardom. There are a ton of services out there that can help you make some cash, while also gaining exposure and experience.

Mashable spoke with folks from a quartet of such services in order to help you, the artist, devote more time to your lute than those lattes.

Note that none of the below are get-rich-quick schemes, so it might be wise to hang onto your day job — even if it is designing graphic tees for tiny dogs.

Go Into Show Business

Service: Jingle Punks

We know, we know, the moment a song makes it into the commercial, it’s an immediate sign that a band has “sold out.” But, c’mon, guys — do you really want your favorite drummer/banjo player/keytarist working in a taco trunk in order to survive? Yeah, thin may be in when it comes to the indie scene, but musicians need to eat, after all.

That’s why services like Jingle Punks can really be a boon to bands. Jingle Punks — which is basically the Pandora of music licensing services — focuses on providing filmmakers, TV networks, media companies and ad companies with music from up-and-coming bands. Band and Punks split the earnings 50/50.

“We work in a very smart but unsexy part of the music business,” says co-founder Jared Gutstadt. “Most artists tend to spend their time focusing on the old standards of how to ‘make it.’ They’re still thinking about record deals, pub deals, merch, touring. To really stand out and compete with this type of competition you need to be thinking about launching a music career in a much more unique way.”

Why Use This Service?

According to Gutstadt, “Music in film and television is a great way for artists to get the word out there. More importantly, you can generate money to help fund the growth of a band’s musical endeavors.”

In addition, the service makes use of the democratic nature of the web to get your music into the right hands. “In the past, the way people used to pitch music for media placements is that they would mail CDs off to as many music supes or producers they could,” Gutstadt says. “We have removed the giant pile of CDs on peoples’ desks and aggregated them into a user-friendly database organized in a dynamic way.”

What’s the ROI?

According to Gutstadt, money made runs the gamut. “It can be anywhere from $250 for a web placement all the way up to $30,000 for getting music in a commercial or motion picture,” he says. “, you make money over time through royalties paid out by BMI and ASCAP, who are able to track usage. I always tell artists its not a get-rich-quick scheme as much as it is a way to make some money over time off your hard work.”  

So Who has Succeeded?

“We work with an artist named Mike Del Rio (see above) and his music was used in a rebranding effort by the History Channel.  The channel has really embraced Mike and Jingle Punks and has a couple things in the pipeline that could do great things to really help launch Mike Del Rio’s career on a more mainstream level.  

“We also work with a really great band called I Love Monsters, and their music was placed in the season premiere of Entourage. This type of exposure can be great for an up-and-coming band.”


Service: Indaba Music

We’ve seen instances of bands forming partnerships through Twitter and the like, but wouldn’t it be easier for y’all to have everything in one place?

I mean, it’s enough of a hassle to get all your gear into a single taxi (can’t afford two) before a gig, why add 50 social media tools into the mix? That’s where services like Indaba Music — which is like the LinkedIn of music — come in.

Indaba is a platform — boasting more than 500,000 musicians — that provides musically inclined folks with a place to build a profile, promote their tunes and collaborate with other musicians from around the world.

Why Use This Service?

According to co-founder Dan Zaccagnino, “There are many ways for musicians to make money using Indaba Music. The core of the platform is about collaboration, which can be just for fun, but can also generate income for musicians through work-for-hire sessions (where a musician is paid for his/her tracks) or collaborations where songwriters share in the ownership of the song.”

In addition, Indaba features a ton of contests that “give both amateur and professional musicians a chance to collaborate with world-famous artists and in the process win cash or possibly participate in future royalties if the winners’ material is released,” Zaccagnino says.

What’s the ROI?

“There are incredible opportunities to gain experience on Indaba because the community is full of everyone from amateurs eager to learn, to music educators, to Grammy Award winners,” Zaccagnino says.

“Members learn from one another through contacting and communicating with people online, having music peer reviewed in sessions and contests, learning from master-artists through our Artist-in-Residence programs, taking online video lessons, and much more.

“Education is a big priority for us and it’s been amazing to see that organically happen because musicians are interested in helping one another.”

So Who has Succeeded?

Zaccagnino cites the following examples:

Linkin Park + NoBrain (see above)

Indaba member NoBrain’s mix was included on Linkin Park’s album A Thousand Suns and got the opportunity to collaborate directly with Linkin Park front man, Mike Shinoda, through Indaba Music.

Rivers Cuomo Producer Sessions

Rivers Cuomo of Weezer started a few sessions on and began working with members to produce rough demos that he had written with his wife.  Rivers used Indaba’s session platform to work collaboratively, utilizing the commenting system to engage musicians and achieve exactly what he envisioned.  The producers were also paid for their work.

David Minnick/PBS The Music Instinct

PBS ran a contest to source music for an upcoming show about music and the brain. It found the winner, David Minnick, to be so talented that it hired him to arrange music for another show.

Toshi Osawa and Pikes Peak Ringers – Yo-Yo Ma Collaboration Winners

Yo-Yo Ma was so impressed by the quality of musical collaborations that he picked two winners, an 18-piece hand bell choir from Denver and a speed-Metal guitarist from Canada. Yo-Yo invited them into the studio to record with him in a truly unique collaboration — both tracks were later released as bonus tracks to Yo-Yo Ma’s holiday album, Songs of Joy & Peace.

Partner Up

Service: YouTube’s Musicians Wanted Program

At last year’s SXSW, YouTube launched a partner program for up-and-coming musicians, and, just recently, the program went from U.S.-only to international.

If you have a YouTube channel, and you’re pumping out the music vids like an A-V nerd on a sugar high, you should apply for this program post haste. Basically, it allows you to make some extra cash by adding ads to your videos and garners you more exposure from YouTube with prime placement.

Why Use This Service?

It’s all about getting your name out there, and getting your music heard, right? So go where the people are. Every day, YouTube racks up more than 2 billion video views. That’s a lot of eyes. Still, every minute, the site sees 24 hours of video uploaded, which means your genius work could get lost in the shuffle. That’s why the partner program is a must — you get the YouTube stamp of approval, which brings more attention to your work.

What’s the ROI?

YouTube couldn’t tell us how much money you can earn from the program, but they did tell us that artists get the majority share of the revenue — not to mention access to those millions of viewers. You need to be consistent with your channel, though, and really focus on putting out lots of original content. So if you’re only down to make one vid, this might not be the option for you. In order to see ROI, you have to put in the time and effort.

So Who has Succeeded?

YouTube has helped launch the careers of score of performers — from Justin Bieber to Pomplamoose./> Kina Grannis is one such artist. “I joined YouTube three years ago when I was in a contest called Doritos Crash The Super Bowl,” Grannis told us. “I needed to get people to vote for me every day in order to get my music video played during the Super Bowl (which it did, woo!), so the hope was that by agreeing to post a new video every day, people, in exchange, would come back and vote daily. This run of putting up a video every day lasted about two months in total, and while it made me crazy and sleep deprived, it was also fun and exciting and very helpful in growing my viewers.

“Post with consistency if possible,” Grannis advises artists. “Be genuine, talk to your supporters, be grateful.”

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

Service: BitTorrent Featured Artist Program

OK, we know what you’re thinking — you hear the word “BitTorrent” and you’re about ready to rage, am I right? File sharing is the monster under the bed for many an artist. It connotes theft, basically. Still, the model — when used correctly — can really be a boon to lesser-known artists.

We spoke to Trent Reznor — who is well-known for having released his music via torrent sites in the past — who told us: “I felt furious when the record I’d worked on for a year, that my heart and soul’s gone into, . I’m pissed off at people that are listening to it. I’m mad that they’re snubbing me — by what? By being excited about hearing my music? And that’s wrong. I shouldn’t be mad at these people. I should be glad that people are interested.”

“Easy for you to say, Trent Reznor,” you might scoff, “You’re already famous.” Well — there’s the rub, right? You’re not famous. And you want to be. Or, at the very least, you want someone other than your roommate to come to your gig — and perhaps buy a T-shirt or two. And how do you do that? By getting the attention of the masses, of course.

Last month, BitTorrent launched a Featured Artist pilot program in an effort to give musicians more exposure. Some likened such an endeavor to getting in bed with the devil, but when you really think about it, what’s the difference between applying for the program and putting your music on MySpace or SoundCloud or any other music-sharing site? Well, that would be BitTorrent’s 80 million users.

We’re not saying that file sharing is totally copacetic or anything (there are a lot of pirates in them waters), but it’s not like BitTorrent is out to ruin your career, either. “In many ways, Trent Reznor’s work inspired a lot of our work,” says CEO Eric Klinker. “We really do want to riff on a lot of what he’s done. He’s in an experimentation phase, as are we.”

Why Use This Service?

“The Featured Artists pilot program encourages musicians and filmmakers to submit creative works for the chance to be spotlighted to millions of BitTorrent users around the world,” Klinker says. “For a lot of artists it is about creating a sustainable business model that will allow them to continue their creative works. So, we are interested in working with artists to experiment with various business models that play to the strengths of the Internet while allowing them to tune into the distribution potential of BitTorrent to reach millions of consumers.”

What’s the ROI?

“In today’s digital age, the traditional model does not serve artists in the same way it used to, and instead forces them all down the same funnel where only a select few ultimately receive distribution,” Klinker says. “With BitTorrent’s Featured Artist Pilot Program, artists can tap into online communities and reach millions of people who might otherwise be inaccessible. These communities are powerful and provide intrinsic value for emerging artists trying to build a fan base. In doing so, these are fans that will invariably attend shows, purchase merchandise and become invested in future works.”/>  /> So Who has Succeeded?

Since the service just launched last month, there aren’t any featured artists yet, but the site has seen some success with the musician PAZ (see above), who has been working with BitTorrent.

“Most recently, in August 2010, BitTorrent released PAZ’s debut mix tape, Young Broke and Fameless,” Klinker says. “On the first day alone the release saw over 100,000 downloads, and as a result has increased his fan base and following.”

More Social Music Resources from Mashable:

- Top 10 Twitter Tips for Bands, By Bands/> - 5 Great Ways to Find Music That Suits Your Mood/> - 5 Free Ways to Identify that Song Stuck in Your Head/> - HOW TO: Turn Your Android Phone Into a Killer MP3 Player/> - 10 Amazing Musical Instrument iPhone Apps

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, shulz

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